Saturday, 8 February 2014

Upcoming Event : Classroom Action Research (CAR ) Workshop 2014

What  is  Classroom   Action  Research  (    CAR   )     :

It is an interactive activity about solving a classroom issues through action  research workshop which involve the level one primary  teachers within Sandakan  district .

Objectives of the program  :

1.  To  support and guide level one  English  teachers to overcome  their classroom issues .

2.  To guide and share informations on how to come up and prepare an Action  research .

3.  To  promote  a  strong research culture among the English  teachers in  Sandakan  district  .

Aim  :  

To  build  and  create a better understanding on ways to overcome classroom issues among level one Englsih  teachers .

The Committees  :  The Symposium Team of 2013 

The Coordinators :  Rosidah Abu Bakar  /  Stefanie K.Nirmal  /  Freddy Graman

The  dedicated  working committees   :

The working paper of this program  ..

Hoping that  everything will go well according to its  plan ..  wishing all the best of luck  to every working committee involved ..

1 comment:

  1. Congrats keep up the excellent work...really hope looking forward to attend
