Saturday, 19 October 2013

Sandakan Symposium District Level 2013

What is happening  ?

The Sandakan teachers under the ELTDP British Council had organised a Symposium for Sandakan District level on the 29th August 2013 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kg. Bahagia Sandakan . This idea came from a friend of mine Noor Aini Hussin  and me  who had attended myself  to the British Council Symposium Kuching  on the  20 - 23 February 2013 in Sarawak  .

Dream comes True .

Our   dream comes true where it has been successfully done .  I would like to say THANK YOU  and  congratulate  my working team , the presenters , volunteers , our mentor from the British Council Breena Cheers and not to forget our PPD Sandakan and JPNS for their financial support and encouragement .

What is a Symposium   ?

I would define the word as " a gathering event  for the purpose of seeking and sharing knowledge "
This is the first Symposium for the East Sabah and three  teachers from the mentoring project namely Rosidah Abu Bakar , Stefanie K. Nirmal and Freddy Graman took the challenge with the helped of a mentor Breena Cheers .  Trisha Thorlby from  the  British Council  Management of the Symposium Kuching in Sarawak  has beautifully define  Sympoisum as a 'Celebration ' a  place to celebrate the teachers' achievement  .

How does it work   ?

This programme was designed to encourage teachers to be a 'Reseacher ' on his or her classroom or school project .  It helps teachers in building his or her teaching development through the reflective teaching process .  The theme for the Sandakan Symposium 2013 is about " EMPOWERING TEACHERS THROUGH RESEARCH  "  Project teachers who has done their classroom research  would come forward to inspire other teachers to discover  their hidden potential through  the  sharing .
At the same time , the purpose of the Symposium is to share the teachers success story through their research project  in school  .

Who are the people involved    ?

This Symposium has created a great opportunity for every individuals who are willing to take the challenges .  The people involved are those mainly from  the mentoring project under the ELTDP . We get the cooperation from the PPD Sandakan under the DTP ( District Transformation Programme ) responsible by En. Ali Rahman the Language officer and Pn. Nurul Syafiqah the Fasi Linus officer .
This programme will not be a legend without the help from the volunteers , the non project member .
JPN Sabah has also contributed their role in providing us the fund under the DTP which is the most important element to run any project programme .  Individuals from the British Council Trisha Thorlby and our Principal Assistant Director ( English Language Unit ) Mr. Mohd Fadzli Rozan  has kindly give   their  moral support through writing in  the Forward Message   of   the programme book .
Not to forget the audience which came from the schools all over Sandakan district  .
 This event was so blessed to have the Beluran district teachers and some head teachers to join and celebrate the good news together .

The participants

There are about 126 participants consist of teachers, head teachers , officers from PPD Sandakan , SISC+ and SIP officers .

What is in the programme  ?

It is a one day event and this Symposium caters 7 Research project presentation and some Educational Exhibition from the Sandakan   teachers  .

                                            Head Teachers from Beluran district .

File folders for the participants

                                             En. Ali Rahman Sandakan Language Officer

                                                             Mr. Eng SIP officer

The Project Coordinator

The officers from PPD and invited guests from KPM and JPNS

The  working committee

The Classroom Research Presenters

The Exhibiton

A big word of THANK YOU  to  every individuals who has involved directly and indirectly to make this Sandakan Symposium 2013 a success .

Not to forget those people who involved indirectly behind the scene especially to my dearest cousin Miss Dulce Amor Fiel the Graphic Designer of the Sandakan Symposium banner .

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