Tuesday, 13 August 2013


Dealing with  hyper active cum  slow learner kids is always a teacher's  nightmare . They are not listening aren't they ..?  If they do sit back and listen they are not comprehending aren't they .. ? At the end of the lesson students are not able to achieve the respective skills given and the kids are still  HAPPY but are you HAPPY ?

Some  teachers may blame the students' social background for being such a brat and stupid . Some would  care and take their action and some would just put it on the blames . 

How about making some changes from typical traditional classroom method to something more fun and  enjoyable lesson ? As for my personal observation not many teachers would really take this challenge into their teaching world . Some are enjoying their comfort zone more  where  only salary and position that matters . It's really a heart breaking phenomena where education really counts in .  

As an individual and educator what matters the most is the ATTITUDE . It all depends on how we define and build ourselves as a person . Are we willing to take a Chance  ? Are we willing to make a Choice ? And lastly.. are we willing to make a Change to ourselves..? The answer lies in YOU .

What to Change ?

Some teachers do believe that they have enough experiences through out their teaching years and from what they have learned in the teacher's  training college would be enough. This is a feedback that I got from my workmate and I would respect her name to be anonymous . As we all know that Learning is a life time process . As we teach we learned at the same time . So from the learning we are identifying the problems and how to overcome the challenges in teaching .  Do we stick to the same method or do we need  new strategies to make the learning more meaningful and fun .. ? And how do we do that ? What should we do ? Well .. just take  an ATTITUDE to make a positive change in you then create a chance to make it happen and accept changes by learning new things .

How to Change ?

We have many choice to choose and it should be chosen wisely . We can always learned from other teachers  for  new method or strategies , mentors advice or guidance ( if any ) , supporting groups from the social website such as the ELTDP group online , The Symposium British Council group online .. The British Council website , books , journals  and other websites related, Youtube  so  there is no excuse for not knowing how to look for help  for it is  exposed  widely . So once again .. it's all on YOU to make your choice .

Challenges that teachers probably met :

Most teachers just do not know how to start , where to start and when to start. It is all about doing a reflective classroom research. Most teaching materials are not graded  to suit  students' level of proficiency and some teachers are not aware of it . Lack of good resource and materials for teaching is also one of the challenges that teachers met . In Sabah itself we could hardly find good graded books and teaching materials that can  suit the students need.  The Teacher's training college mostly advice teachers to do simplification to their teaching materials or resource . Some simplification might work on certain things but some might not specially in reading materials such as Story books. You might missed out some of the important ingredients in the story element which will cause a lost to the students knowledge .
The most fearful challenges that teachers often have is to learn new method and to try things out . Maybe because they are afraid of the risk .. the failure .. the blames .. the rejection by other teachers or maybe they afraid that the students could not get into the new teaching ways . The worst thing is some teachers may have an ATTITUDE of do not want to do it because it will cause a lot of preparation and hard work .

Once again it's  all   about     The ATTITUDE  IN  YOU ..

                              Year 3 Students are doing role playing of a story - The Gruffalo

 Talking about the story in group - building students self confidence and practice using the target language .

                                            Share Reading - New ways of teaching reading

Graded Story books

Teachers work together to learn new things in teaching